On June 20 and 21 2016, the "Archives Jean Piaget" at the University of Geneva will organize a scientific event entitled "Jean Piaget Conferences". The aim of these biannual conferences is to bring together the best specialists of a domain around a topic that is particularly relevant to Jean Piaget's theory and developmental psychology.The theme selected for the next "Jean Piaget Conference" is infant development. This particular theme was motivated by the recent acquisition of the “carnets” (notebooks) written by Jean and his wife Valentine and relating the early development of their three children, the very same “carnets” that eventually laid the ground for the trilogy of books on sensori-motor development and on birth of intelligence in children ("The origins of intelligence", "The child's construction of reality" and "Play, dreams and imitation in childhood"). These invaluable documents have remained in Piaget's estate in Pinchat until recently, when they were bequeathed by the family to the Archives along with all Piaget's manuscripts. In parallel with the conference, an exhibition of the “carnets” will be held to celebrate this important acquisition. More importantly, we plan to bring together most of the leader experts in early development in a two-day conference where each participant is asked to give a one-hour lecture.

The "Jean Piaget Conferences" are open to all scholars, researchers and students who are interested in developmental psychology and in cognitive psychology.



To contribute, you must have an account on sciencesconf.org (see below). Contributions can be submitted from december 14th, 2015 until April 1st, 2016.

If you already have an account on sciencesconf.org: 
1) Log in with your username and password in "My Space" section (left column).
2) Click on "Submissions" to propose a contribution.

If you do not have an account on sciencesconf.org yet:
1)  Click on "create an account" under "my space" in the left column.
2) Fill the form and click on the activation link you will then receive by e-mail.
3) Go to the conference website and log in with your username and password in "My Space" section (left column).
4) Click on "Submissions" to propose a contribution.


Posters are on for a whole day, in the same location. Presentations are organised in afternoon session.

The poster panels are 0.8 metre  high x  1.20 metre wide. This means that poster (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) would fit as landscape.



Registration is required.

The registration fee is set at:


                                          - 30 CHF for students in bachelor and master

                                          - 50 CHF for doctoral students

                                          - 100 CHF for researchers


 Registration will open until May 1st, 2016.

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